Thursday, April 9, 2009

After School activities

So who doesn't like Korean music? But who doesn't love half-naked, sexy females, with beautiful voices? No takers?

If u haven't discovered After School u must live under a rock. (jk) They are so freaking hot! With singles like New Schoolgirl and Diva they are a new group not to be reckoned with (corny but true) Pledis Entertainment released an official statement saying "After School has trained for the past 2 years. Modeled after the ‘Pussycat Dolls’, they will be a type of group that Korea has never seen before." That couldn't be anymore true. The group includes rappers, Park Gahee (my favorite, she is so bad ass. u may know her as the rapper in Son Dam Bi's song, Bad Boy) and Bekha, and vocalist, Kim Jung-Ah,Yoo Soyoung, and Lee Jooyeon. Oh, and how could i forget new vocalist, Kim Yoo Jin/UEE. WTF is she in this group for anyway? They were perfectly fine without her, whatever... it's fine.... I guess. She was introduced in the newest single Diva (released on April 9th 2009, download it here). I like the song, it's a little more Pop-ish then their usual hip-hop style but versatility is good.

Check out their other single New Schoolgirl (Released January 15, 2009 ), best Korean group Album I've heard all year. I love every song on the mini-album! (even the instrumental LOL) Espicially Bad Boy, that song has a really good rap to it. Download it here!Azn Music City ♫ is the best!!!!!

wow, this got kinda long.....

HAPPI DAY! d(*⌒▽⌒*)b


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